Keep On Guessing//What’s New on Be Free 2 Love?

What’s new on Be Free 2 Love you ask?  Ok…I’ll share!  I wanted to make some changes to my blog. Stepping out of my comfort zone, and channeling my inner creativity!  I’ve also changed my domain to (  I wanted others to have an idea of what my blog is about, before deciding to visit my page.  You’ll still be able to find me with the old domain (, but you’ll be re-directed here!

This new schedule will also help me plan in advance on what I’d like to share with all of you.  I’ve recently purchased a desk size calendar to help me keep track of my posts for the week…if I’m super energized, maybe even for the month!  Here’s a peek a what you’ll find on my blog:


Sunday: Connect with Me! #Friendships

  • Today is dedicated to meeting new people! You never know who will cross your path, and what purpose they will serve in your live.  In my experience so far with life in general, so many others continue to encourage and inspire me, and many have no idea how much they are appreciated.  Let’s take a moment to say hi to someone new, and possibly gain a long-term friend. Be sure to pingback this post, and tag #Friendships so I will be able to find your posts easier.  Happy Friending!

Tuesday: Heart 2 Heart #Heart2Heart

  • On this day, we will be focusing on ourselves. That’s right! You can be selfish…I won’t tell. I want to help improve relationships across the board.  But, how can we exert so much of our energy into maintaining healthy relationships with others, if we aren’t feeling up to par ourselves?  Well, today is all about you.  Stick around to learn some cool Tricks, Tips, and Treats! Inspiration, recipes, self-care and more! I encourage all of you to join me with finding new ways to spoil ourselves.  Be sure to pingback this post, and tag #Heart2Heart so I will be able to find your posts.

Wednesday: Learn Something New! #TeachMe

  • Today will be dedicated to increasing our knowledge! There will be fun facts, book reviews, articles and more! Have something you want to share? Yes! Please join me with increasing awareness on topics that are most important to you. Be sure to pingback this post, and tag #TeachMe to shed some light!

Friday: Fix My Relationship! #Fixit

  • Need help figuring out if your relationship has what it takes to survive? Not sure how to speak up about a topic close to your heart? Just need someone to talk to with a fresh pair of eyes?  Yeah…I can help with that! You’re welcome to email me by clicking here or leave me a comment on the Fix My Relationship page to answer your questions. Want to remain anonymous? Sure thing! Just let me know how I can help! 🙂 This discussion will be open to the public, so all are welcome to help shed some insight into these issues.  Be sure to pingback this post, and tag #Fixit so I will be able to find you.

I’ll occasionally throw in a few treats along the way, in addition to this new schedule. So, don’t get too comfortable!

You will also be able to find these updates under the “About” section on my blog.  I’m excited to share with all of you!



Photo Credi#1t:

Photo Credit #2:

When Stress Takes Over 


“Just breathe”.  This is what I need to say to myself when my thoughts start to become toxic.  What a day I experienced yesterday! I’ve realized that I spend an unimaginable about of time stressing over things that I personally can’t change.  Just reflecting on this today makes my head spin!

Why do I allow myself to take on so much, when realistically agreeing to do EVERYTHING just won’t work? I know exactly why this is…I’m a self-proclaimed people pleaser! I love spending time with my friends and loved ones.  I live for that! But, my sole problem arises when I spend so much time worrying about making everyone else happy, and don’t pay as much attention to my wants as much as I should.

I’m bringing this up, because this is a real problem that I currently face.  Not only am I growing tired of not being able to somehow add more hours into my day, but I want to learn to let go of all of the stress that comes along with overextending myself. I’ve allowed my stress of being unable to make others happy impact how I experienced my day with loved ones. Throughout my day, all I could think about was, what I could have done differently to decrease my current amount of stress? How much time do I have before I have to leave to make it back to go to the next place? I honestly couldn’t even enjoy myself.  I wasn’t living in the moment, and creating new memories.  I was physically present, but mentally and emotionally I was light years away from everyone else.  I won’t be able to get this time back, but I can realize my faults and correct them for future experiences.

What I need to do is learn how to say “no”.  If I am not 100 % sure if I can make this work, then I’ll have to be honest about that too.  It’s not fair that I sacrifice my in the moment experiences with feelings of stress.

I also have to be on top of stopping those forever lurking negative messages that find a way to do a cameo sometime throughout the day.  I need to ask myself: will worrying about this right now change how I am feeling? What are some realistic solutions to decreasing my current amount of stress?

Remember to just breathe.

What challenges do you face with being a people pleaser?  How do you say no?

(Image source: