Reflect…Reset…and Go

I’m back and I’ve missed you!! I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to get back to doing what I love. To be completely transparent I needed a break because I was beginning to feel overwhelmed. Yes, this is a normal part of life, but I admit that I didn’t exercise healthy ways of dealing with stress. My initial response has been to shut down or say “I’m fine”! I wanted more for myself, for my family and I needed to see immediate results. :-/

I’ve spent a ton of time focusing on nurturing my faith in Jesus Christ. Something that I’ve always ranked last in my life, but now that has shifted. I’ve also prayed about seeking peace, health and direction for my future.

Basically, I’ve lost sight on what I wanted. One thing I knew for sure was that I wanted to write because I enjoy it. I’m also passionate about encouraging others and healing relationships, so writing is one way I can do that.

It’s been forever since I’ve written a post and so much has changed. Fast forward a few years: I’m married to an incredibly amazing man, we relocated to a bigger home from an apartment, and our lives changed for the better after we had our son. So, life came at me fast, but that’s ok. 🙂

I’m here to say hello and that I’ll be getting back to sharing stories, resources and encouragement with my online family!

I’m hoping this may reach someone who may have been struggling to get back into a routine that they’ve lost sight of or something that brings them joy. You’re probably never going to find the most “perfect” circumstances to begin again and another day will be lost if you don’t start today. It’s also perfectly reasonable to give yourself time to regroup and refresh when you feel the need to do so.

To be encouraged in faith, love & happiness, be sure to follow my blog!

Cheers to new beginnings!



2 thoughts on “Reflect…Reset…and Go

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!